香港,2023 年11 月20日 致力讓每個人都能更輕鬆(和無負擔)地體驗世界,因此推出住宿和景點黑色星期五優惠,幫助數百萬名旅客獲得難忘的旅行體驗。 新年在即,旅客紛紛開始計劃 2024 年的首個旅行。根據 的近期研究,有 31%* 的香港旅客 ...
「すべての人に、世界をより身近に体験できる自由を」を企業理念に、多種多様な宿泊施設や旅ナカ体験、旅行中のシームレスな移動手段を提供する世界最大級の宿泊予約サイト Booking.comは、今年月、世界34の国と地域にわたる31,000名以上の旅行者を対象に ...
Grocery stores are having a moment on social media as they are fast becoming the must visit attraction for travelers. ‘Shelf ...
As the number of travelers choosing Japan as their destination continues to rise, many are drawn by the country's exceptional ... is one of the world’s leading online travel platforms, connecting travelers with the widest choice of incredible places to stay, countless memorable experiences and attractions as well as ...
Almost two-thirds (62%) of families rank spending quality time as the main motivator for traveling this year, followed by finding the time to properly relax (58%), and discovering new places (48%).* ...
As’s Chief Executive Officer, Glenn D. Fogel is responsible for the global strategy and operations of, including the management of all business units within the organisation.’s travel predictions for 2024 highlight how travel isn’t just an escape, but a catalyst for people to experience their best lives. In fact, more than three quarters (78% 1) of survey ...
El 52% de los viajeros españoles de la comunidad LGTBI+ ha experimentado “discriminación” durante sus viajesopens in new window EnglishEnglish ...
For those looking for something truly special to inspire their future travels, is unveiling the Most Welcoming Cities on Earth for 2022*. From off-the-radar island escapes, historic cities ... research recently uncovered that 69% of US travelers enjoy the experience of booking trips and that 57% actually start their travel planning process before deciding on a specific ...
Fancy walking on water? Surfing is the perfect sport to connect with the sea. Three quarters of global travelers (75%) agree that being close to water instantly makes them feel more relaxed, with over ...