Oliver Miller, a 6-9 forward/center, helped lead the Arkansas Razorbacks to the 1990 Final Four and the Phoenix Suns to the ...
A star at Arkansas whose NBA career included helping the Suns to the 1993 Finals, Miller had an unusual physique for a ...
Oliver Miller, a beefy center who helped Arkansas advance to the Final Four before playing nine seasons in the NBA, has died.
It has been announced that the former NBA center Oliver Miller, who spent nine seasons in the league, has died.
Oliver J. Miller, a former star athlete at Southwest High School and later a standout at Arkansas and in the NBA, has died.
Oliver Miller, a former NBA center and Arkansas Razorbacks legend, passed away at 54. Known as 'The Big O,' he was vital in ...
Oliver Miller, a former basketball player for the Arkansas Razorbacks passed away at the age of 54 on Wednesday, ...
Oliver Miller, the big man who helped Arkansas reach the Final Four before becoming the No. 22 pick in the 1992 NBA Draft, ...
Oliver Miller, who played nine seasons in the NBA after starring at Arkansas, has died at the age of 54 after a bout with ...
曾在NBA打滚了9季的中锋奥利弗·米勒Oliver Miller今日惊传死讯,享年54岁,美国国家篮球退役球员协会(NBRPA)证实了这一消息。206公分的米勒1992年进入 NBA ,新秀赛季就随 太阳 打进总冠军赛,与篮球之神乔丹领军的 公牛 ...
Phoenix Suns analyst Eddie Johnson posted on social media that former Suns big man Oliver Miller, nicknamed "The Big O," died ...
美国国家篮球退役球员协会(NBRPA)今(13日)证实,前NBA中锋「大O」米勒(Oliver Miller)逝世,享年54岁。他于1992年进入NBA,拥有9年NBA资歷,以出色的球感与技术,在90年代篮坛留下足迹。米勒于1992年NBA选秀首 ...