BEIJING, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has recently congratulated Mikheil Kavelashvili on his assuming office as the Georgian president. Xi pointed out that the current China-Georgia ...
在其他近期新闻中,Georgia Power Company在金融市场上一直很活跃,发行了两笔重要的高级票据。该公司以8.72%的强劲收入增长和110.6亿美元的年收入而闻名,发行了6亿美元的2024D系列4.55%高级票据,到期日为2030年3月15日,由J.P. Morgan Securities LLC领导的财团承销。这次发行预计将加强Georgia Power的财务状况,补充其现有的187 ...
El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, felicitó recientemente a Mikheil Kavelashvili por haber asumido la presidencia de Georgia.