近期,一起涉及微软Copilot AI的事件引起了广泛关注。事情始于一位前微软工程师在社交媒体上揭露的信息,该工程师在2025年1月通过X平台发布推文,指出GitHub上存在多个可用于非法激活Windows 11系统的脚本。 随后,这一信息在Reddit社区中被进一步传播。有网友发帖表示,通过向微软的Copilot ...
随后有网友在 Reddit 社区发帖,称可以通过询问微软自家 Copilot AI,详细介绍如何使用这些脚本,并提供了脚本链接,破解激活 Windows 11 系统。事件发酵后,微软已限制 Copilot,用户向该AI索要激活脚本时,会收到明确回复:“我无法提供帮助。使用未经授权的脚本激活 Windows 11 是违法行为,违反了微软的服务条款。” ...
新版 Copilot 引入了侧边栏功能,用户可以轻松切换多个聊天话题,所有聊天记录也将保存在侧边栏中,方便随时开启新对话。Mica 模糊效果和原生右键菜单的加入,使应用与 Windows 11 的整体风格更加统一。
微软近期在Windows 11预览版中引入了一项新变动,邀请Windows Insider项目成员体验焕新面貌的Copilot应用。这一消息由科技媒体Windows Central率先披露。
界面方面,新版 Copilot 应用采用了原生 UI 框架,启动速度更快,操作更流畅,界面也更美观。应用新增了侧边栏功能,用户可以轻松切换多个聊天话题。此外,Mica 模糊效果和原生右键菜单的加入,让应用与 Windows 11 ...
After launching a new Copilot app for Mac last week, Windows is now getting the same treatment with a new native app ...
Healthcare is usually a good industry to be in, because as long as people can afford it, there will usually be a need for it.
Microsoft obviously didn’t like its AI assistant supporting piracy, and Neowin recently wrote that the company has updated ...
Get Windows 11 Pro with AI-powered Copilot for just A$24. Upgrade your PC with advanced features like system setting changes, ...
Get Windows 11 Pro with AI-powered Copilot on sale for just £14.29. Upgrade your PC with advanced security and gaming ...
You need to update for free while you can. NurPhoto via . Microsoft has a problem on its hands. Windows 10 will crash into ...