在即将到来的墨超对决中,美洲狮(Club ...
在即将进行的墨超对决中,墨西哥美洲(Club América)将迎战莱昂(León)。这一场比赛可以说是两队的实力较量,也是信心的比拼。墨美洲目前在联赛中表现强劲,取得了5胜1平1负的佳绩,稳居排名第二。生龙活虎的他们,主场表现也相当不俗,胜率达到50%。看着他们场均进球达到2.5个,似乎只要一脚出手,球门就要颤动。不过,最近的两连败让人略感忧虑,尤其是在防守端的失误,逐渐显露出细微的裂缝。
L'attaccante è tornato nel club che lo aveva lanciato prima di approdare al Barcellona nel 2013. Ha rinunciato al 98% dello ...
Lujiazui, Shanghai's financial center, provides a stunning backdrop to the Bund. [Photo by Wang Gang/For China Daily] ...
FRANKFURT, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- The German Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel, warned on Monday that U.S. tariffs would have a particular impact on Germany, posing "significant risks" to the country's ...
Following the equity transfers, Central Huijin will control six securities firms, including China International Capital Corp, ...
Animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" became the first Chinese film to gross 10 billion yuan (about 1.39 billion U.S. dollars) when its total global earnings, including presales, reached the mark on ...
巴黎,2025年1月30日 — 路易威登欣然宣布成为世界一级方程式锦标赛 ® 的官方合作伙伴,在为期10年的合作中,路易威登将发挥品牌核心作用,助力大赛圆满开展。2025年正逢这项顶级赛车运动赛事75周年纪念,路易威登将亮相最具代表性的 竞赛 目的地,引领赛车手和车迷共襄盛事。 ...
See? “By” originally means “bye” or byway. That’s why, in fact, some people still spell “by the by” as “by the bye”. By the way, “that is by the by or bye” in this sense (secondary) is an idiom that ...
本周(2.8-2.14)国际航空市场有哪些最新的动态?民航资源网带您盘点过去一周相关要闻,让您对重要资讯一览无遗。市场动态机票价格上涨提升航司利润预测随着有限的运力和强劲的消费者需求减轻了降价以填满飞机的压力,航空公司的定价权正在增强。不断上涨的票价提升了大西洋两岸航空公司的利润预测,包括达美航空、阿拉斯加 ...