Shortly after it launched in 2022, Puget Systems tested the Arc A750 (8GB and 16GB models) and came away disappointed. The ...
As the Maxsun iCraft Arc B580 12G is an inexpensive graphics card, it is unsurprising that it does not carry a PCIe switch, ...
12月13日,intel 核心合作伙伴的蓝戟,推出了IntelArc新架构BattleMage(战斗法师)系列显卡——intel ARC B580正式于全平台发售。 本次蓝戟共推出了ARC B580 ...
一、英特尔独显升级 Xe2 微架构,Arc 家族再添 B 系列新丁 Xe2 微架构升级了哪些内容?在今年 12 月 3 日,英特尔正式发布了第二代英特尔锐炫独显—— ...
《黑神话:悟空》热度飙升,英特尔Arc 撼与B580显卡强势“镇场”,显卡,英特尔,arc,游戏,黑神话:悟空 ...
Intel has released a new driver update for the new Intel Arc B580, which fixes a few game-related issues and outlines some of ...
With 12GB of memory, superb ray tracing chops, a single 8-pin power connector, and the ability to play 1440p games without ...
最近,英特尔发布了针对其Arc B580显卡的驱动更新,这一变化对于众多游戏玩家来说无疑是个好消息。更新版本包括32.0.101.6325 WHQL和32.0.101.6253 Non-WHQL,专为Windows 10 22H2及Windows ...
The Intel Arc B580 is a high-performance, value-driven graphics card that rivals—and often outperforms—the Nvidia RTX 4060, ...
本月初,intel正式发布了ARC架构全新世代BattleMage(战斗法师)系列的首款显卡intel ARC B580。作为intel 核心合作伙伴的蓝戟GUNNIR也随之推出了蓝戟GUNNIR intel ARC B580系列显卡。
The Arc B580 and Arc B570 lead the charge for the Battlemage generation. Both are based on the same GPU silicon, but the B580 ...
一、前言12月3日,英特尔低调地发布了Arc B580,其实这款显卡两个月之前坊间就已经开始爆料了,但当时小编估计它可能就是一个低端入门级显卡,并不值得过多关注。但实际情况出乎小编的预料,它的性能基本持平GeForce RTX ...