Directed by Lisa Siwe (The Bridge) and written by Oskar Söderlund (Snabba Cash), the series blends true crime with human drama, focusing on the resilience of the victims' families and the ...
Since the rise of true crime shows, there have been concerns that they could be exploitative of the victims of the tragedies that they explored. It is a debate that is still ongoing among true ...
Directed by Lisa Siwe (The Bridge) and written by Oskar Söderlund (Snabba Cash), the series blends true crime with human drama, focusing on the resilience of the victims' families and the ...
The true crime series hit the platform this week and is in Swedish - but that did not stop viewers across the world being hooked. Subscribers cannot stop watching The Breakthrough, a four-part ...
True crime fans are glued to their screens this week after the release of The Breakthrough, a gripping Swedish series that’s already earning public acclaim. The four-part drama, which landed on ...
Final Fantasy is a series with a long and illustrious history, full of several spinoffs and remakes along with its mainline entries to extend the amount of content players can enjoy. Given how ...