Does anyone write letters anymore? It's certainly rare. The few exceptions are holiday cards, invitations, and thank you notes. But even those exceptions are usually just printed cardstock.
The concern over the lack of thank-you notes in today’s society is ongoing, and the solution seems elusive. Thank-you notes suffer from being categorized as old-fashioned and passe, but expressing ...
The most useful thing to consider here is the relationship you have with the person. Who you are writing the card for? Whether it's a boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife or a cherished friend, ...
If you are interested in sending a deeper message, you may even include some baby shower poems along with these quotes. Pick the most appropriate one and customize it according to your preferences.
If you choose to write a thank-you note by hand, consider investing in some nice stationery or cards. This adds an extra touch of elegance and care to your message. Be sure to write legibly and ...