A stye (medical term: hordeolum) is a common eye condition characterized by a small, painful lump or bump on the edge of the eyelid. It occurs when the oil glands at the base of the eyelashes (called ...
Your son's stye is also known as a chalazion or Meibomian cyst. It is a small lump on the eyelid due to a blocked oil gland, and can occur on any eyelid. Your son's eyelids contain many oil ...
Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelids. This can either be anterior blepharitis, inflammation at the base of the ...
Reputable, trusted beauty salon: Francesca said: "Use a reputable, trusted beauty salon that has the right accreditation and ...
The term stye is a 17th century word ... typically resulting in a discrete granuloma within the conjunctiva of the upper eyelid, along with a swollen, possibly suppurative ipsilateral preauricular ...
Many eye ointments can help manage and treat symptoms of eye conditions like styes, pink eye, and other infections. When using eye ointments, it’s important to follow the directions. Eye ...
A rash on one or both eyelids is usually a sign of dermatitis. Many common environmental irritants, allergens, and daily activities can trigger the red, swollen, itchy skin of a dermatitis rash. Most ...
A stye is a bacterial infection of either an eyelash follicle or a gland near the eyelashes that presents itself as a small swollen red lump on the eyelid and may also be filled with yellow pus.