The Samsung Galaxy A6+ is built well and has a stellar display and good battery life. However, the heavy and bulky body, unreliable face recognition, and performance issues let it down. Smartphones ...
The Galaxy S10+ is Samsung’s latest flagship for 2019. It has a bright 6.4-inch AMOLED display and has a hole-punch design. While the hole-punch does sacrifice a small portion of the display, it isn't ...
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在这一背景下,三大内存原厂均注意到了现有 HBM 键合工艺使用的助焊剂:助焊剂可清理 DRAM Die 表面的氧化层,保证键合过程中机械和电气连接不会受到氧化层影响;但助焊剂的残余也会扩大各 Die 之间的间隙,提升整体堆栈高度。