Though not directly related to wisdom tooth pain, some research found ginger powder effectively relieves oral pain after some procedures. In one study, dried ginger powder was as effective as ...
Over-the-counter express strips can be a great option for at-home teeth whitening. It's more affordable than professional whitening, doesn't require a trip to the dentist's office and can yield ...
Behind the scenes from the filming of TGR s new film, in the making, Re: Session, at Powder Magazine online.
Diastema is a condition involving a noticeable gap between the teeth that is wider than 0.5 millimeters (0.02 inch). Most commonly, these gaps occur in the front teeth, but diastema can involve the ...
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can happen day or night. But sleep bruxism is much harder to treat since many of us don’t even know we’re doing it. The condition is often only detected when ...
We have developed a comprehensive evidence based atlas to estimate age using both tooth development and alveolar eruption for individuals between 28 weeks in utero to 23 years; it shows a sequence of ...
In a chat that also featured him talking about handhelds for the many-th time this year, Xbox's Phil Spencer has had some thoughts on where the games industry's at in 2024. What's he said, you ask?
Vote Green for another swords and sandals epic on Merrion Street. Rodericus Dubwestium gave it his Maximus for the last 4½ years. Left everything behind on the sand by the end of the 33rd Dáil.
WHETHER you call them dummies, pacifiers, soothers or binkies, the artificial teats are said to cause a child’s teeth to be misaligned, disrupt breastfeeding and impede speech development.