With each advancing phase of technology, new devices become available every year. However, the growing concerns over e-waste and sustainability encourage more a ...
It feels like now is the time for excellent tablet deals, whether you’re looking for yourself or for a gift. Today, you can ...
【ITBEAR】苹果与医疗科技公司Masimo之间围绕血氧检测功能的专利纠纷再度升级,成为业界关注的焦点。这场持久战不仅影响了Apple Watch在美国市场的销售,还引发了双方一系列的法律反击。 纷争起源于苹果聘请了Masimo及其子公司Cercacor的关键员工,随后Masimo指控苹果侵犯其血氧检测技术专利。2020年,Masimo正式对苹果提起诉讼,指控苹果盗取其机密信息并挖角关键员工。苹 ...
Eli Roth turns a schlocky fake trailer into a tame slasher retread whose failure he'll surely blame on "woke culture." ...