Gaza Some hotels in Beirut are operating near full capacity as guests have been unable to find flights out of the country ...
A requirement of being Lebanese is living through conflict and normalizing the sonic boom of Israeli fighter jets over Beirut ...
Israel is drastically widening its fight against the Lebanese militant group that is backed by Iran, whose supreme leader ...
Lebanon has matured amid divisions, crisis and suffering. This unique history has impacted the country's identity.
回溯1982年~2000年,以色列占领了一半黎巴嫩,如果以没有内部压力,不主动退兵,黎巴嫩无力招架,自身还会受到周边国家的侵蚀。内战后四十年,黎巴嫩从“中东小巴黎”变为“国破山河在,城春草木生”。许多国家在战后,比如非洲的卢旺达、东南亚的越南、东亚的 ...