必胜客万圣节「鬼手鱿鱼捣蛋披萨」,营造出恐怖气氛。(翻摄必胜客脸书) 新品曝光引发讨论,许多网友留言笑说「义大利人快气疯」、「义大利 ...
【导语】:10月8日-12日,堂食、自助点餐(扫码点餐+预点餐+外带自取)及必胜客宅急送官方网络订餐渠道可参与69元2个披萨活动。 温馨 ...
1. 本轮周末自助餐活动自2024年9月28日至9月29日。 2.自本活动开始之日起,必胜客周末自助餐在全国指定门店共限量200000份,售完即止。同一必胜客 ...
Pizza Hut was established by brothers Dan and Frank Carney in Kansas in 1958, with the distinctive look of its restaurants ...
国庆黄金周即将来临,必胜客联动知名珠宝品牌周大生推出“超级黄金周”福利活动,购买超级至尊披萨系列或指定套餐,即 ...
From bankruptcies and debt piles to mysterious closings and angry employees, here are some signs that Pizza Hut might be ...
Here's a combination for you: free pizza and … books? Pizza Hut is giving away one million free Personal Pan Pizzas during the month of October to celebrate National Book Month. To get a free ...
Pizza Hut’s buffet may be a thing of the past ... The buffet was constantly replenished as each pizza - including Hawaiian, pepperoni, cheese, meat lovers and vegetarian - was gobbled up.
近日,在一众玩家与食客的翘首以盼中,必胜客官宣了与《女神异闻录:夜幕魅影》(简称P5X)的创意联名活动,美味“觉醒”套餐、精美定制周边 ...
Pizza Hut really wants you to have a nice, warm, tasty pizza. All you need to do is promise you'll read a book in exchange. On Tuesday, Pizza Hut announced the return of its Book It! program ...
Skip the email inbox, Pizza Hut will deliver FREE resume-printed pizza boxes in NYC to capture employer attention during peak ‘September Surge' hiring season 1 Pizza Hut is launching ‘ResZAmes ...