The Anko glass flip pickle jar — which went viral on TikTok for ... there were tiny bits of glass plus large pieces.” The Facebook user said it blew the lid and sealer off and took her two ...
The reader who suggested hitting a jar with a knife handle was correct, but tapping is a better word. I tried to teach a co-worker at a deli how to open large pickle jars. Two days later, I was called ...
I tried to teach a co-worker at a deli how to open large pickle jars. Two days later ... Dear Heloise: The garage sale tips you gave M.R., in Nebraska, were great, but here are a few more to ...
Dear Heloise: The reader who suggested hitting a jar with a knife handle was correct, but tapping is a better word. I tried to teach a co-worker at a deli how to open large pickle jars.
More often than not dill pickles ... sterilised jar. Add a teaspoon of dill and mustard seeds and a garlic clove to each jar. Put the vinegar, 200ml/7fl oz water and the sugar in a large saucepan.