Hosted by the Headquarters Karnataka & Kerala Sub Area, the event highlighted the Indian Army’s operational capabilities, technological advancements, and its strong cultural ties with citizens.
Inside Unmanned Systems connected with two hydrogen fuel solution providers to explore the energy efficiencies, extended flight times and improved logistics fo ...
The modular vehicle combines an extended-range electric minivan and a large electric drone. It’s two separate vehicles bundled together: the "mothership" and the eVTOL. These days, buyers all over ...
Rumors about Apple developing a car started circulating in 2015. It partnered with car companies, hired a large number of car specialists, patented car-related patents, and more. But in February 2024, ...
But drones as large as vehicles that have been reported by people in the Myrtle Beach area – well, that’s not him. In fact, local drone pilots say they don’t know what they are.