美国疾病预防控制中心(Center for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)周二警告称,麦当劳著名的“足三两”汉堡引发的大肠杆菌疫情正在“快速蔓延”。
总部位于新泽西州樱桃山的食品及相关产品制造商The Real Good Food Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:RGF)正面临可能被纳斯达克全球市场摘牌的风险。该公司先后两次收到纳斯达克的通知,指出其不符合交易所的上市规则。 周一,公司被告知未能满足最低投标价格要求,因为其普通股在过去30个连续交易日内未能维持每股1.00美元的必要价格。这个问题此前已被识别,公司未能在截至2024年 ...
根据最近的SEC文件显示,总部位于内华达州的食品制造公司BranchOut Food Inc. (NASDAQ:BOF)已签订销售协议,通过场内发行 (ATM)方式发售股票。周三,该公司披露与Alexander Capital, L.P.签署了ATM协议,允许出售总额高达300万美元的普通股股票。
通过智能餐饮的推动,Food Bayana成为马来西亚餐饮服务行业的先行者。未来,普渡机器人将继续携手合作伙伴,为更多餐饮中心提供前沿的自动化解决方案,塑造餐饮服务的全新未来,推动智能餐饮的不断进步。 普渡机器人(Pudu ...
With the BRICS members, as well as the rest of Global South countries, better safeguarding their own food security, the global food governance framework will become more robust, and help safeguard ...
Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on the safety of an extension of use of oil from Sch ...
Foreign journalists taking part in the "A Date with China•Meet Xinjiang" media tour experienced the green belt project in Wensu county, Aksu prefecture, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous reg ...
A global panel of agrarians has called for innovation-driven green transition of the world's agri-food system as part of the ...
核心提示:近日,河南农业大学动物医学院硕士生徐博文在黄淑成副教授的指导下在国际学术期刊《Food Frontiers》在线发表了题为“From structure to function: a comprehensive overview of polysaccharide roles and ...
【ITBEAR】马来西亚槟城的Food Bayana餐饮中心近期宣布了一项重要合作,携手普渡机器人及槟杰科达(Pentamaster)公司,共同推动该中心的数字化转型。这一合作标志着Food ...
Limited出售Fast Food Holdings Limited(FFHL)19.23%之股权,买方亦将承担价值约为0.74亿美元的未偿还股东贷款。出售之总代价为以4.303亿美元。 目前,中信股份间接持有FFHL ...
Visitors to the region are treated to mesmerizing dances and melodic songs performed by the Bouyei people. Their artistic ...