面部的皱纹总是提醒着我们的年岁,而现在整形美容技能的进步,能帮我们轻松去掉皱纹,让我们的年岁成为永远的秘密。面部除皱手术的,依据除皱部位大致分为两种:创痛除皱和改良除皱。前者入额、颞部除皱术,下面、颈部除皱术和全面颈部除皱术;后者如内窥镜除皱术,小切 ...
The FlowLine Bipore ePTFE vascular graft has unique Bipore design with two different fibril lengths for low thrombogenicity. An additional ePTFE wrap guarantees enhanced suture retention and high ...
LifeSpan ePTFE Vascular Grafts for peripheral vascular reconstructions and AV Access have been used in clinical practice for more than 15 years. It features soft ePTFE material with superb suture ...
Emerging brand Hextak enters the outdoor apparel market with its inaugural collection, embodying the bond between humans and ...
After lawsuits from the Elkton community, the state of Maryland filed suit Wednesday against the maker of Gore-Tex, alleging ...
After hours: December 23 at 6:04:36 PM EST ...
The Great Outdoors on MSN13 天
The best waterproof jackets for 2025
This season's best waterproof jackets for hiking and backpacking, as chosen by our team of outdoor experts. The post The best ...
Amos Wampler, W.L. Gore Capabilities Center associate, shows a roll of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, commonly knowns as Gore-Tex. Earlier this year, a class action lawsuit was ...
作为全球重要的多品类运动用品展之一,2024年国际体育用品博览会ISPO于12月3日在德国慕尼黑隆重召开。GORE-TEX品牌携新一代GORE-TEX ...
华声在线12月9日讯 (全媒体记者 唐璐 通讯员 周媖)12月6日,投资5亿元的美创湖南医用高分子材料智能制造基地项目签约仪式在浏阳经开区举行,标志着全省首个高端血管介入通路类产品生产基地落户园区,将极大提升全球稀缺性ePTFE (膨体聚四氟乙烯膜材)核心原材料的自研自产和产品化能力,解决原材料供应和上游技术壁垒的“卡脖子”难题。