A chewing gum advert with a dog crawling out of a man's mouth to demonstrate his bad breath was taken off air yesterday following a record 570 complaints. TV watchdogs said the commercial for ...
At one point, Trump abruptly asked King if he could move his chair because “your breath is very bad. It really is." Without pausing, Trump said, “Has this ever been told to you before?". King, who ...
Some dogs have slimy poop, that's a fact. If you noticed slimy poop in your dog, then welcome to the Dog Poop Inspector's Club. Some dog owners may feel that it's none of their business nosing around ...
According to a Healthline article on home remedies for halitosis, lemon's acidity can neutralise bad breath while honey has mild antibacterial properties. Eucalyptus oil mouthwash: Add 2-3 drops ...
For example, if your dog has cold feet and is showing worrisome signs (such as weakness, pale gums, lower temperatures, please see your vet as quickly as possible. A dog with cold paws on their own is ...
the bad and the weird. A box of tampons, the spackle on the walls and four television remote controls were some of the other crazy things dogs have tried to eat. And some dogs are getting into the ...
Bad breath, or halitosis, is more common than people think, and there are many reasons someone might have it, like eating strong-smelling foods, poor dental hygiene, or health conditions.