Dillard’s, Inc. (NYSE:DDS – Get Free Report) passed above its two hundred day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of $399.58 and traded as high as ...
Less run-of-the-mill, though, is their paragraph dedicated to the superiority of rival department store Dillard’s. “Barington believes Macy’s should look to its department store peer ...
Dr. Walter Kimbrough led Dillard University for a decade. Before he left in 2022, he gave the institution's board of trustees plenty of notice, giving them time to conduct a thorough national ...
Dillard University’s Board of Trustees has named Monique Guillory, a native New Orleanian who has served as interim president for the last seven months, as the ninth president of the 155-year ...
A Christmas reunion doesn’t mean that Jill Dillard (née Duggar) and Derick Dillard have patched things up in their relationship with her father, Jim Bob Duggar. After the trio was seen ...
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