The Karnataka GST Advance Ruling Authority’s conflicting decisions on ride-hailing SaaS platform services have sparked a critical debate. The issue centers on how taxation can significantly impact the ...
By the end of 2020, we aim to have 160 fitness studios across India, the UK and UAE. 'India has severe health issues due to poor diet, lack of exercise and long working hours' – Dr Samir Kapoor, ...
Twyla J. Hora, 91, of Menno, passed away Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025, at the Menno-Olivet Care Center, Menno.
近日,有网友在社交平台发帖称,四川省广安市一名六旬老人因在家熏制腊肉,被当地社区以“教育管理费”的名义罚款200元,老人还写了“不再在家熏腊肉”的保证书,引发网友热议。 美其名曰“教育管理费”,实则就是一种罚款。而“教育管理费”并不让人 ...