Whether it’s been a part of your day for years, or you’re just recently considering adding it into your oral hygiene routine, mouthwash can feel like the only way to completely clean your mouth.
A doctor has warned against using certain types of mouthwash. This is due to an increased risk of developing some forms of cancer. Dr Karan Rajan, a British surgeon who works for the NHS ...
While it doesn’t have the most pleasant taste in the world, it certainly works – and we’re big fans of the toothpaste as well as Corsodyl’s highly effective gum disease mouthwash.
When I interviewed leading longevity doctor, Dr Sabine Donnai, a few months ago, one thing in particular that she said struck me. When our gums bleed, we have a 13 per cent higher risk of suffering ...
Such bacteria build up on and around your teeth can also lead to bad breath. Corsodyl Fresh Mint Daily Mouthwash contains 0.06% chlorhexidine to help reduce bad breath bacteria. Corsodyl Fresh Mint ...