Intel Raptor Lake chips haven’t said their final word as a Core i9-14900KF slips into first spot of HWBot’s frequency ...
HWBot's CPU Frequency chart shows that up until January 12, the current frequency world record holder and only person to push ...
近日,全球CPU超频界迎来了一项新的里程碑。中国超频高手“wytiwx”成功将Intel旗下的i9-14900KF处理器超频至惊人的9.12 GHz,这一成就使他与先前的纪录保持者Elmor并驾齐驱,共同成为史上仅有的两位将CPU频率推至9 GHz以上的超频大师。
CPU frequency world records continue to be set, but not by Intel's new Core 200S processors. A Chinese user, "wytiwx", has ...