The classic seasons of Doctor Who are a remarkable journey through time and space. The show began humbly in 1963, with paltry budgets, grainy visuals, and flimsy special effects. However ...
so there’s one for the First Doctor, and other for the Second, and a different for the Third, and so on. Tubi has a Classic Who “live channel” that is constantly streaming the show ...
The 90-minute condensation of 'The War Games' made time to weave some long-running theories into Doctor Who canon. When the BBC aired a special, colorized edit of “The Daleks” to celebrate ...
With all the debate over what makes a good or bad Doctor Who, it's worth looking back at Peter Capaldi 's run as the Twelfth Doctor. He and Jodie Whittaker are the most underrated and underappreciated ...
BBC Four debuted a new special edition of classic Doctor Who serial The War Games tonight (23rd December) – but alongside a brisk re-edit of the 1969 black-and-white epic, now colourised ...