9月25日,华东地区液体环氧树脂市场弱势运行,市场报盘价格在12500-12900元/吨净水出厂,山东地区报盘价格在12400-12700元/吨 ...
Thermoset Thermoset plastics and thermoset resins are cross-linked polymeric resins that are cured using heat or heat and pressure. Cured thermoset resins generally have higher resistance to heat than ...
Editors' note: This story was written and published prior to an agreement being reached by the International Longshoremen's Association and U.S. Maritime Alliance on Oct. 3. Watch Plastics News ...
PVC, PET fall PVC and PET bottle resin were the two commodity resins seeing price drops in August, with each declining an average of 2 cents per pound. PVC prices had increased by 1 cent in both ...
“十二五”期间到“十四五”,国家加快推动环氧丙烷技术改造,淘汰落后产能,鼓励发展直接氧化法环氧丙烷,加大行业节能减排力度。 随着国家“碳中和、碳达峰”目标的确定,节能减排已经成为环氧丙烷等化工行业未来发展的主要趋势之一。行业重点政策 ...
下游需求端:下游环氧树脂市场盘整运作为主,产能利用率达五成以上。库存充足,部分工厂在库存压力下阶段性停车调整装置负荷。下游终端询盘不积极,谨慎采购原料,新单跟进不足,签单量走弱。 后市预测:生意社环氧氯丙烷分析师认为,环氧氯丙烷成本 ...