Forgive Matthew Failor if he wishes to never again mush along the Yukon River in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
At some point, melting ice in the North Atlantic—caused by increased global warming—will cause so much freshwater to be ...
Why would hundreds of people trek overnight through the wilderness with nothing but a compass? Because it’s the best feeling ...
Pew found a huge age gap, with young adults overwhelmingly less religious than their elders—some 46 percent of the youngest Americans identify as Christian, compared to 80 percent of the oldest adults ...
Each airline handles seating assignments differently. This guide will tell you exactly how to get your family's seats ...
You’ve heard of the butterfly effect — the idea that a tiny flap of wings can trigger a hurricane on the other side of the ...
Measles outbreaks in West Texas and New Mexico are now up to more than 250 cases, and two unvaccinated people have died from ...