Located within the Development Economics Vice Presidency, the Development Research Group is the World Bank's principal research department. With its cross-cutting expertise on a broad range of topics ...
Digital platforms aim to tackle the challenges faced by farmers in West Africa by providing them with access to real-time ...
Ethiopia’s Digital ID (Fayda) is closing the gender gap, empowering women to access social protection payments, open bank ...
Jobs are the most reliable pathway out of poverty. Sustained and inclusive economic growth, driven by a productive private ...
The World Bank-supported GENIE project has helped Georgia provide training and mentorship opportunities to thousands of women ...
The NDC Support Facility (NDC-SF) is a multi-donor trust fund created to facilitate the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) pledged by countries under the Paris Agreement ...
The Government of Tanzania’s rural electrification campaign is boosting mining profitability, creating jobs, and improving ...
There are numerous definitions of financial stability. Most of them have in common that financial stability is about the absence of system-wide episodes in which the financial system fails to function ...
Ineffective policies can persist, while potentially effective policies are often not adopted. The World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law explores why some policies fail to achieve ...
The World Bank Group works to accelerate sustainable and inclusive economic growth across regions and sectors. We play a critical role in building partnerships and creating new opportunities for the ...
The 2024 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) will take place from Monday, October 21 to Saturday, October 26, with the main ministerial meetings and ...
The Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) is a comprehensive overview of Nepal’s past economic performance, current challenges and prospects ahead. The latest CEM 'Climbing Higher: Toward a Middle Income ...