The Recreation division expects that staff, patrons, participants and guardians adhere to the Recreation Code of Conduct while visiting Recreation facilities and participating in programs and services ...
With approximately 1,200 employees, the City of St. John's is a large organization. Operating efficiently and effectively are top strategic priorities for our Mayor and Council. We are focused on ...
The City of St. John's Animal Care and Adoption Centre is located at 81 Higgins Line (next to the Howley Building). The Centre can house up to 65 cats and 20 dogs at any given time. The goal of the ...
Parks, playgrounds and trails provide opportunities for our residents and visitors to relax and enjoy nature in our city. The Parks and Open Spaces Master Plan outlines our strategy. This document is ...
Are you a business owner operating in the City of St. John's? Do you provide the City with services? Or are you someone looking to start or grow a business in St. John's? If you're an entrepreneur or ...
The City of St. John's believes in an accessible, inclusive, healthy and safe community for everyone. As we work towards this goal, we will continue to identify, remove and prevent barriers to ...
The City of St. John's Act allows our organization to establish rules for how we operate and what we are able to enforce through ticketing and other means. To read these documents, select the ...
Property taxes are the City's biggest source of revenue. They fund all the programs and services we offer. Residential and commercial property tax is set every year. We calculate the municipal tax for ...
Visit RecConnect to register and learn more about recreation programs. You can browse programs by recreation facility, activity and age. The City offers a variety of recreation programs and ...
Each year Council allocates funds for various capital works projects to improve the City's infrastructure. City staff prepare proposals for Council's approval. We fund annual projects from the capital ...
St. John's Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) provides fire and emergency protection in our region. We offer services to the municipalities of St. John's, Mount Pearl and Paradise. Backup emergency ...
We are committed to bringing the highest quality of water service to our residents and visitors. Do you part to protect and conserve our water supply.