Using a variety of analogy puzzles, SFI researchers have shown that the reasoning abilities of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model fall ...
In a recent study in Physical Review Letters, SFI Complexity Postdoctoral Fellow Aanjaneya Kumar and colleagues show that the margin of victory for any election can be predicted solely by the voter ...
The Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity brings together a group of advanced Ph.D. students and a small faculty for an intensive two-week study of computational ...
For nearly a century, scientists from a diverse set of fields have been captured by questions about the origins of life. How did life, in all of its complexity, arise from comparatively simple matter?
Policies and explicit incentives designed for self-regarding individuals sometimes are less effective or even counterproductive when they diminish altruism, ethical norms and other social preferences.
The Complex World, originally published in Volume 1 of Foundational Papers in Complexity Science, presents an entirely new framing of nature, of the human role in the natural and technological worlds, ...
Complex Systems Summer School (CSSS) offers an intensive four-week introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems. CSSS brings together graduate students, ...
This paper provides a logical framework for complexity economics. Complexity economics builds from the proposition that the economy is not necessarily in equilibrium: economic agents (firms, consumers ...
Power-law distributions occur in many situations of scientific interest and have significant consequences for our understanding of natural and man-made phenomena. Unfortunately, the empirical ...
The concept of a “fitness landscape,” a picturesque term for a mapping of the vertices of a finite graph to the real numbers, has arisen in several fields, including evolutionary theory. The ...
Polygyny is thought to be more prevalent where male wealth inequality is greater; however, the decline of polygyny in most of the world occurred with the emergence of capital-intensive farming with ...