Log on to the server as administrator (you must have administrator privileges to enable system logs) Once this has been done, ...
Also this year, we had the great opportunity to attend FOSDEM, the most important open-source conference in Europe. This year was no exception, and among the many exciting talks, one that particularly ...
Let me now give you some useful advise to efficiently manage the initial phase of the asset life cycle. (From the purchase to the user assignment). It is a common habit for IT departments to purchase ...
Data collection is one of the key steps when you want to analyze the current state of your network, system or application in terms of performance. Data visualization is another: even the most ...
Note: $SERVICE serves as a placeholder for any Cluster Service running in NetEye 4. At least ten constraints were necessary to model the required relations (on ...
Yes, you read that title right. Today I’m going to tell you about the time I went on a hunt to bring a velociraptor and a chainsaw into the Würth Phoenix Security Operations Center. I know that it ...
Writing high-performance code is key when tackling complex problems. While it might be tempting to focus on optimizing the programming language itself, the best strategy is often to implement the ...
Può succedere qualche volta che abbiate la necessità di elencare le MS Office key della vostra azienda. In questo caso è utile che il vostro sistema di inventario ...