Specifications for the minimum information that should be collected about research data in order for it to be re-used.
Digital curation is the management and preservation of digital data/information over the long-term.
Practical guidance and examples to help you develop your Data Management Plan ...
Planning for the future: developing and preserving information resources in the Arts and Humanities ...
A set of metadata panels that can be added to Adobe Creative Suite 4 applications to allow AVM-compliant metadata to be entered directly into images.
A study-data oriented model that captures high-level information about scientific studies and the data that they produce, primarily tailored for the physical sciences. Used by the astronomy community ...
The OpenAIRE Guidelines are a suite of application profiles designed to allow research institutions to make their scholarly outputs visible through the OpenAIRE infrastructure. The profiles are based ...
The Wisconsin Land INformation Clearinghouse review of metadata tools used for documenting geospatial data and serving geospatial metadata. It includes tools for CSDGM, ISO 19115, Dublin Core, and DIF ...
A list of nearly 40 Minimum Information standards projects registered with the MIBBI initiative. A a virtual laboratory for neurophysiology, enabling sharing and collaborative exploitation of data, ...
A profile of ISO 19115, also mapping to the AGLS profile of Dublin Core, designed to facilitate efficient access to descriptions of information resources, particularly geographic or spatial data. The ...
The Access to Biological Collections Data (ABCD) Schema is an evolving comprehensive standard for the access to and exchange of data about specimens and observations ...
A service to facilitate the publication of metadata in the AGRIS Repository; it conforms to the the AGRIS Application Profile, which draws from the Dublin Core and AgMES standards. A GeoNetwork web ...