Gather your family together and read through this special Christmas devotional from The Biggest Story Family Devotional, complete with Scripture readings, discussion questions, and a gospel connection ...
Every detail of Jesus’s birth was part of God’s plan before the foundations of the earth were set in place. So the promises and prophecies of his birth were detailed and specific.
The Ten Commandments are part of the OT Law, but NT authors do quote or allude to the commandments quite often as being relevant for new covenant Christians (except for one).
John Piper is founder and lead teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He served for thirty-three years as a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, ...
The New Testament does not encourage us to puzzle our heads over the physical and psychological problems that the incarnatiton raises, but to worship God for the love that was shown in it.
It’s not the metal band that gives the ring its worth. The value comes from the diamond the ring holds. In the same way, it’s not the strength or size of our faith that saves us.
Christians care about Christmas because it marks the beginning of the gospel, the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Rodney D. Stortz (1950–2003) was senior pastor of Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, which he planted in 1990. He also ministered in churches in Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Missouri. Educated ...
Did you know that “Joy to the World” was not written as a Christmas carol? In its original form, it had nothing to do with Christmas. It wasn’t even written to be a song. Isaac Watts was one of the ...
Paul R. House (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the former professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama. He has been a pastor or teacher in churches, ...
God's mission is what the triune God is doing in the world to save sinners. That's different than Christian witness: the way we participate in what God is doing.