When we moved into our first house, many years ago now, I was really impressed by the house on the corner of the street.
This lovely, simple recipe for rowan and crab apple jelly and the accompanying photographs of making it submitted by Jacqui H, (JacsH on our forums). Jacqui lives in SW Scotland where rowans or ...
A potager garden is a type of kitchen garden that mixes both edible and ornamental plants in a beautiful, organized way.
A lovely, simple recipe for making delicious rowan and crab apple jelly, the perfect accompaniment for game. Stores for years.
Some years ago we moved to a new house which had a tiny suburban garden giving little room for growing vegetables, mainly a small herb bed and some salad crops. Then I realised there was an allotment ...
Radish leaf soup, appears in various cuisines as a peasant or rustic dish. Its origins are deeply rooted in traditional agricultural communities where minimizing waste and making the most of available ...
Sunday night the winds were gusting to over 60mph. Thanks to the Met Office we knew it was coming and thought we were ready for it. The plastic chairs on the patio were stacked and laid down so they, ...
Welcome to my allotment garden diary. Quite simply this is a record of our success and failures growing our own, gardening and trying to live the good life. A diary is actually a really useful tool ...
The sweetcorn in the polytunnel was a disaster but the sweetcorn outside actually came good. This is the first time I’ve succeeded with outdoor grown sweetcorn here. The first year here I planted out ...
From the original wild ancestors we’ve bred varieties that mature at different times, are tight headed or loose and green leafed or red. Cabbages are defined by when they are ready for harvest; Spring ...
One of the oldest known vegetables, humans have been eating peas for thousands of years. Freshly picked peas are incredibly sweet – but eat them quickly, the natural sweetness converts to starch quite ...