Florida threatens TV executive with jail time for airing ad in support of abortion rights. Some of you can't wait for another Trump presidency. Be caref ...
Trump has only taken questions from friendly interviewers, including Fox News, skipped a second debate and refused 60 Minutes interview. If he is not going to give your v ...
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Donald Trump pulled out of a scheduled interview with Sixty Minutes. He only appears willing to participate in interviews with Conservative news medias like FoxNews w ...
The new bathrooms next to convention hall are a big improvement over the trailer in the street, but the city needs to maintain them. I wrote to public works several wee ...
Why would Donny Trump give special covid machines to Putin in 2016 ??? Why is Donny so close Putin. I guess when Trump loses the election , he has someplace to go . Bob W ...
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Wildwood Crest - My neighbor cuts his grass and blows the clippings in to the street. I complained to the city but nobody seems to care because he still does it. Thank you for reading & participating.
With all the comments about Trump with his speeches saying he is old and can't talk right. The made up stories about him with taking money and etc. He is a busin ...
Why does Trump insist on making so many lies during National disasters? For his own benefit. It’s disgusting. And I’m a Republican.
The Stone Harbor "rant" stating that Trump and his supporters will blame the Biden/Harris team for starting the recent hurricanes. No, you are wrong. Biden and Ha ...
Trump is falsely claiming the White House is diverting disaster relief aid to unrelated migrant programs. This is false, but Trump, while president, did repurpose ...