Analytical experessions for the e + e − → μ + μ − cross section including all the one-loop radiative corrections in the context of the Weinberg model are presented. The systematic calculation of ...
The production of axions in the early universe is studied. Axion models which break the U(1) PQ symmetry above 10 12 GeV are found to produce an unacceptably large axion energy density.
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. The addition of arXiv eprints is currently delayed due to a technical problem. We are working with arXiv to resolve it.
The completely general one-loop scalar one-, two-, three- and four-point functions are studied. Also an integral occurring in connection with soft bremsstrahlung is considered. Formulas in terms of ...
The following statement is proved: the counterterm for an arbitrary 4-loop Feynman diagram in an arbitrary model is calculable within the minimal subtraction scheme in terms of rational numbers and ...
We give general formulae for the second-order weak correction to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in an arbitrary gauge model. Older known results are rederived as special cases. We ...
The question about continuous phase transitions (without latent heat) is investigated from the general thermodynamical point of view. In doing this, it becomes clear that such transitions can take ...
A method based on the generalized optical theorem is proposed for the determination of the total reaction cross section from elastic angular distributions. This method was applied to 16 complete ...
INFN, Naples and Naples U.
McGill U. and Bohr Inst.
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. The addition of arXiv eprints is currently delayed due to a technical problem. We are working with arXiv to resolve it.