北京时间6月25日下午2:07,嫦娥六号 (Chang’e-6)航天器携带着从月球背面采集的首批样本返回地球。这项由中国国家航天局 (CNSA)主导的任务能够帮助科学家们理解月球正面和背面的地质,撞击历史和演变过程之间的巨大差异。
This is an authorized translation of an Eosarticle. 本文是Eos文章的授权翻译。 正如同恐龙的统治因6600万前一颗小行星撞击地球而结束了一样,动物的崛起也是 ...
A deep learning technique could reduce the error in 10-day weather forecasts by more than 90%, allowing communities to better ...
Experiments show how concentrations of rare earth elements, critical to the green energy transition, might be hiding in plain ...
Residents of Rancho Palos Verdes are looking to the scientific community for help in understanding the slow-moving landslides ...
The Landslide Blog is written by Dave Petley, who is widely recognized as a world leader in the study and management of landslides. Rainfall induced landslide disasters just keep on occurring in ...
J. D. Vance and Tim Walz clashed over whether climate change is real and what solutions should look like (and whether they’re ...
Una nueva investigación geoarqueológica demuestra que la metalurgia en el antiguo Egipto provocó una importante contaminación ...
A massive tsunami churned up a mysterious 9-day noise in East Greenland. As the climate warms, more fjords may start singing.
Rapid intensification of hurricanes is 50% more likely to occur during marine heat waves in the Gulf of Mexico and ...
The Landslide Blog is written by Dave Petley, who is widely recognized as a world leader in the study and management of landslides. There has been quite a stir over the last week regarding a ...