The prestigious RHS Medals and Awards are handed out as the Show opens. Take a tour of the gardens and see if you agree with ...
Malvern Autumn Show celebrates the best of the harvest with fruit & veg competitions, awards for vintage dress, cake bakes ...
Fennel is a large attractive plant with soft feathery leaves and tall stems topped with flat clusters of tiny yellow flowers in summer. The leaves, flowers and seeds have an aniseed flavour and aroma ...
Climbing honeysuckles have twining stems with green or variegated leaves. They have clusters of trumpet-like blooms, with colours ranging from creamy-white, through yellow to red, that are often ...
Broccoli, or sprouting broccoli, is a delicious, nutritious and easy-to-grow member of the cabbage family. It forms multiple small clusters of purple or white A bud is a small, undeveloped shoot that ...
Star jasmine offers an abundance of small but highly fragrant summer flowers. This woody evergreen climber likes a warm sheltered spot and is ideal for growing near a seating area or doorway, where ...
Thyme (Thymus) is a compact evergreen shrub with small aromatic leaves. It’s easy to grow in a warm, sunny spot, in free-draining soil or containers. It’s also drought tolerant and needs little ...
A method of growing new plants from parts of an existing plant, such as sections of root, stem, leaf or bud. When prepared correctly and planted in the right conditions, they can produce roots and ...
The classic summer-flowering buddleja or butterfly bush (B. davidii) is easy to grow in a sunny spot and just needs some annual pruning to look good. There are a few buddlejas that need sheltered ...
'Carré Rouge' is a compact, erect, evergreen shrub to 2.5m tall, with glossy, lanceloate leaves, brilliant red when young, later turning dark green. Panicles of small, creamy-white flowers appear in ...
These mainly rounded shrubs, wider than they are tall, have handsome leaves showcasing the gorgeous flowers. P. delavayi is upright and vase-shaped. Tree peonies lose their leaves in winter. All the ...