No Fate Is a Gritty Sidescroller Coming

Timothy Olyphant recently voiced a Terminator, and his upcoming debut in another massive sci-fi franchise's TV show could be ...
Terminator: Dark Fate is yet another soft reboot in a series that has already attempted a lot of them. And, for now at least, it looks like this could be the end of the line for Sarah Connor (Linda ...
Judgement Day is the single greatest Hollywood blockbuster of all time. I don't care about box office receipts or any other criteria other than the fact that this is the most beautifully-paced and ...
The Terminator is back! This time we will be the ones to decide how the fate of the world will turn out.
No Fate is a 2D action side-scroller that pays homage to the classic '80s and '90s arcade games while retelling the story of Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
A new Terminator game has been announced but it's sticking close to the technology of 1991, for a new retro themed ...
No Fate travels back in time to give us a side-scrolling arcade take on James Cameron's 90s-era blockbuster movie.
Terminator 2 is one of the most iconic sci-fi stories told, but a brand-new game could be changing it altogether. Terminator ...