An interactive storytime about how humans are connected to each other and the natural world. Daily, 10:15 a.m. Watch as a diver plunges into one of the world's deepest living coral reef tanks. Daily, ...
This is a recurring event. Check the daily calendar for more schedule information.
Academy biologists regularly conduct in-water training and enrichment exercises with our resident rays—which is why human feet occasionally make a webcam cameo. The rays eat clam tongue, prawns, squid ...
This easy-to-read, interactive toolkit is organized into three main sections: Learn, Act, and Extend. Access this toolkit from any computer or mobile device, including a tablet or smartphone. Download ...
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas: MS-ESS2.C, MS-ESS3.A, MS-ESS3.C, MS-ETS1.A In this video, we'll explore key water issues, the water cycle, and some of the technology and techniques used to conserve ...
All major taxonomic groups are well represented in the collection, but several areas of particular merit further description: Embiidina, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera/Homoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, ...
This post is part of Exploring Earthquakes, a rich collection of resources co-presented by the California Academy of Sciences and KQED. This material is also available as a free iBooks textbook and ...
The mission of the California Academy of Sciences is to regenerate the natural world through science, learning, and collaboration. Exploration: We generate new knowledge and understanding of the ...
Watch our colony of playful African penguins waddle, swim, flirt, and nest on three live webcams.
Embark on a backyard bug safari. Share atmospheric observations with NASA. Pilot your own paper bird. SAC kits take youth outdoors to investigate nature and design creative solutions to our planet’s ...
Don’t tell Claude, but he’s not the only long-bodied, sharp-toothed, extremely chill species in the aquarium.