When we moved into our first house, many years ago now, I was really impressed by the house on the corner of the street.
From the original wild ancestors we’ve bred varieties that mature at different times, are tight headed or loose and green leafed or red. Cabbages are defined by when they are ready for harvest; Spring ...
A potager garden is a type of kitchen garden that mixes both edible and ornamental plants in a beautiful, organized way.
Some years ago we moved to a new house which had a tiny suburban garden giving little room for growing vegetables, mainly a small herb bed and some salad crops. Then I realised there was an allotment ...
This lovely, simple recipe for rowan and crab apple jelly and the accompanying photographs of making it submitted by Jacqui H, (JacsH on our forums). Jacqui lives in SW Scotland where rowans or ...
One of the oldest known vegetables, humans have been eating peas for thousands of years. Freshly picked peas are incredibly sweet – but eat them quickly, the natural sweetness converts to starch quite ...
Tayberry (Rubus fruticosus x ideaus) is a cross between a blackberry and a red raspberry, and is named after the River Tay in Scotland. It was patented in 1979. If there is only space to grow one ...
In the UK, allotments are small parcels of land rented to individuals usually for the purpose of growing food crops. There is no set standard size but the most common plot is 10 rods, an ancient ...
The traditional paraffin greenhouse heater had a number of advantages but now suffer from the problem that obtaining the fuel at reasonable cost has become very difficult. At one time every town had ...
As with the three year crop rotations and five year crop rotations, we divide our plot up after allowing for the permanent beds of comfrey, asparagus and rhubarb etc. In this case into four beds or ...
There is a lot of confusion over the difference between broccoli and calabrese . The easy way for gardeners to remember is that broccoli is an over wintered crop and calabrese produces its crop the ...
The traditional bean support frame was constructed with coppiced poles, about 8 feet, 2.4 metres long and around 2”, 50mm thick at the base. Nowadays most people just use bamboo canes. Ideally the ...