Isubmit that proportional representation is a fundamental socialist concept. I argue, furthermore, that no socialist seriously committed to democratic, accountable representation can advocate any ...
The lifetime of Auguste Blanqui (1805–81) coincides with the rise and fall of the secret society as an effective harbinger of socialism. Auguste Blanqui was the son of a low rank imperial official; ...
Elias Khoury (1948-2024).
In the still hollow steel structure, ‘il condominio’, as the central body is called, had been assembled. With overlapping ...
I used to play basketball in Bavaria with a man born in the Ivory Coast. He had been adopted at the age of four by a white middle-class couple in Munich, both doctors. We fell in with each other ...
The political and cultural establishments who tolerate the killing fields in Palestine will now regard the assassination of ...
Alan Macfarlane’s principal objective in The Origins of English Individualism footnote * is to prove that there was no peasantry in England during the middle ages and that attempts to describe the ...
'Nowadays, national literature doesn’t mean much: the age of world literature is beginning, and everybody should contribute to hasten its advent.’ This was Goethe, of course, talking to Eckermann in ...
Up till the 1970s, the notion that the Rest would follow in the footsteps of the West was intrinsic to the dominant development paradigm. Through industrialization and urbanization, the ...
Fernando Claudin was a leader of the Spanish Communist Party until his expulsion in 1964, and is the author of the already classic The Communist Movement: from Comintern to Cominform.footnote 1 The ...
A fifth phase in the evolution of the journal runs approximately from late 1968 to mid 1971 (nos 52–67). A general radicalization, amidst the inter national student and worker upsurges in Western ...
The story follows three friends, Kathy, Tommy and Ruth, who inhabit a peculiar social order. When we first meet them, they are children living at what appears to be a privileged English boarding ...