Google has asked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for an emergency stay of a recent Epic ruling. Judge James Donato recently ...
Google has now requested an emergency stay for the recent ruling, stating the upcoming November 1 deadline doesn't give the ...
Google says that opening up its Play Store to third-party app stores "harms safety and privacy" and "puts users at risk." ...
Google has asked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to halt the imminent changes required from Judge James Donato’s recent ...
Google says in a statement about its motion that opening up its Play Store to third-party app stores "harms safety and ...
「 点击上方"GameLook",订阅微信 」持续了4年多的又一个“世纪官司”迎来新消息。北京时间10月8日,法官James Donato对Epic起诉谷歌案做出了最终裁决,命令谷歌在三年内向竞争对手开放谷歌应用商店。谷歌将不得不在Google ...
近日,科技巨头谷歌已正式向第九巡回法院提出上诉,要求暂停执行近期由法官James Donato在Epic Games诉谷歌案中所做出的判决。此前,谷歌已向Donato法官提出过暂停执行的请求,但未获明确回应,因此决定直接向更高一级的法院寻求干预。
智通财经APP获悉,近日,美国法官James Donato在Epic对谷歌(GOOG.US,GOOGL.US)的诉讼案中作出最终裁决,判定谷歌的Android应用商店存在非法垄断行为,并命令谷歌在判决生效后的三年内向竞争对手开放Google ...
Backyard Baseball 1997 is back in all of its nostalgic glory, sliding onto Steam like Pablo Sanchez when he steals a base.
Google has moved for an emergency stay on the Epic judgment, as the Court gave just three weeks to make sweeping changes to ...
根据裁定,谷歌将授权全球用户通过Epic Games等平台下载Google Play上的应用程序,同时,第三方应用商店也将能够访问Google Play的所有应用,除非应用开发者主动选择不参与。 裁决还规定,谷歌必须停止对在Google Play发布的应用收取Google Play Billing费用,允许安卓开发者提供其他支付方式,并可直接链接至Google ...
美国法官James Donato近日在Epic诉谷歌纠纷案中做出裁定,支持Epic的主张。根据该裁定,谷歌必须在未来三年内向第三方应用商店开放Google Play商店。这意味着,Google Play将被授权为全球用户提供Epic Games等平台的应用程序。另外,谷歌还必须允许第三方应用商店访问Google Play商店的所有应用程序,除非开发者自己选择退出。