Senior National MP Andrew Bayly has quit his ministerial roles after what he says was an "animated discussion" that went "too far" and ended with him putting a hand on a staffer.
本周一,新西兰身兼四职的国家党议员Andrew Bayly,宣布辞去所有部长职务。 此前,他同时兼任商业和消费者事务部长、意外赔偿局ACC事务部长、小 ...
Audrey Young, Senior Political Correspondent at the New Zealand Herald based at Parliament, specialises in writing about politics and power. Welcome to Inside Politics in what may be a crucial time in ...
Andrew Bayly stepped down from his portfolios last month after grabbing a male staffer's upper arm. Now he's heading to base camp.
一名受访的营业员表示,肢体接触最好保持在"high-five"(击掌)这个层面以内;而另一名白领人士则认为握手是默认的共识。"但也要视情况而定。比如我最近刚刚出院,而我的同事们却拥抱了我,这感觉很好。" ...
The acceptable level of touching in the workplace can be different for different people, but many of those people have a ...
Former Minister Andrew Bayly says a complaint was laid about him laying a hand on a staffer.  He says it was during a work discussion he's called 'ani ...
How many times in the middle of an intense argument with a stupid work mate have you been tempted just to smack their stupid ...
The senior National MP has quit his ministerial roles after what he says was an "animated discussion" that went "too far" and ended with him putting a hand on a staffer.
Andrew Bayly said his action was “inappropriate” and apologised for his “overbearing” behaviour. "I am deeply sorry,” he said in a statement. “I have been impatient to drive change in ...
New Zealand's commerce minister Andrew Bayly has resigned after he "placed a hand" on a staff member's upper arm last week, in what he described as "overbearing" behaviour. Bayly said on Monday that ...
No change in direction, no change in pace, says Andrew Bayly's replacement Scott Simpson. Newly appointed Commerce and ...