A little Python does the work of thresholding and finding the top of the starter as it rises ... time we’ve discussed sourdough here. It seems that someone uses Git for iterative sourdough ...
Birote (pronounced bee-row-teh) is a crunchy, darkly baked sourdough bread said to have a flavor unique to the environment of Guadalajara, but if you grab your favorite beer and some limes ...
Before commercial yeast became available, bakers would use a bubbling mixture of yeasts and bacteria (a leaven) to both aerate the crumb and give a sharper flavour to the wheat. You can make your ...
[Noah Feehan] has been working to instrument and automate the process for the past two years, and has created a high-tech jar to keep an eye on his sourdough starter. There are still several ...
After a while, there’s enough of them to be used in the bread. All this means that your starter, and therefore your bread, will likely be unique: “It’s random chance with the sourdough ...