《宝可梦TCG口袋版》(Pokémon TCG)显然取得了成功的首发,这可能并没有让人感到意外。而这次成功的间接成果是,DeNA的财政年度财务状况得到了改善。 这家曾以《宝可梦大师》、《火焰之纹章:英雄》、《动物森友会: ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket is out for millions of gamers to start building their digital card collection. While the mobile card game ...
Pokemon’s upcoming Battle Partners and Journey Together sets is bringing back a polarizing Rival in some powerful cards.
Pokemon TCG Pocket players get more opportunities to complete their Pokedex as a new mass outbreak event highlights a ...
If there is one thing that stands out about Pokemon TCG Pocket's latest pack, it's a specific card that could be a game ...
The Lightning Mass Outbreak event in Pokémon TCG Pocket takes some parts of lucky draw events and adds a few extra things, ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket developer DeNA is having a pretty good year thanks to the mobile app, leading it to revise its yearly ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket is just a few months old, and it's already receiving its first major update, adding more cards for ...
If you're tired of dealing with the powerful meta decks in Pokémon TCG, here's the perfect card for you to pick up ...
The Lightning-type Mass Outbreak event has come to Pokemon TCG Pocket, giving players the chance to pull extra electric-powered cards.
The year is wrapping up but the gaming news keeps coming. This week, tales of hurt feelings and anger among some developers ...