《宝可梦TCG口袋版》(Pokémon TCG)显然取得了成功的首发,这可能并没有让人感到意外。而这次成功的间接成果是,DeNA的财政年度财务状况得到了改善。 这家曾以《宝可梦大师》、《火焰之纹章:英雄》、《动物森友会: ...
2024年11月,全球手机游戏市场再一次震撼行业,SensorTower的最新数据揭示了引人瞩目的手游收入榜单,其中《Pokémon Trading Card Game ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket is all about Pokemon fights, but the player can also use powerful Item cards to heal their allies, peek at the enemy’s hand, or bring a Fossil creature to the field.
Day 2 of The Pokemon Trading Card Game Champions League 2025 Osaka event just came to an end in Japan, and the event streamed live on one of The Pokemon Company’s official YouTube channels.
11月23日,Sensor Tower公布了11月全球手游收入、下载情况。具体内容如下:0111月全球手游收入TOP ...
With the much-anticipated arrival of Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket ’s first mini-set, Mythical Island, the popular virtual card game will see an influx of new and returning players ...
He previously worked at Kotaku. The Pokémon TCG Pocket meta has become clear, now that the mobile card game has officially drained the battery life of every smartphone this side of Kanto.
Pokemon TCG Pocket's first booster set, Mythical Island, adds a whopping 86 cards to the card game and, with it, a shake-up to the existing meta. Decks hinging on monsters like Mewtwo and Starmie ...
Sensor Tower发文称,2024年11月,腾讯 (00700)旗下的《王者荣耀》继续稳居全球收入最高手游宝座。同时,《Pokémon Trading Card Game ...
The Mew card in Pokemon TCG Pocket is — or at least, was — a secret card, only available to players who had completed a secret, unnamed mission in the game. Though, as players have gone about ...