The two most common types are nylon and PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene). Nylon floss is made of multiple strands of nylon and can come in waxed or unwaxed versions. PTFE floss is made of a single ...
In 1969, astronauts boarded the Apollo 11 spacecraft wearing boots containing 3M ™ Dyneon ™ Fluoroelastomers. Today, these synthetic elastomeric materials are ...
Tubing can be flexible or rigid depending on the material type and its intended purpose, though tubing listed in this product area is generally smaller and less rigid than materials classified as hose ...
Hunting for the best garden hose is anything but straightforward. The packaging will shout about a hose's flexibility, manoeuvrability, durability and more. Add in anti-kink, anti-twist, anti-crush ...