今日,新款MacBook Air在京东和淘宝上开启了限时促销活动,价格优惠至令人心动的6239元起。此次促销涵盖了搭载最新M3芯片的MacBook Air 16GB内存与256GB存储版,原价8999元,而更高配置的16GB内存与512GB存储版则售价10499元。通过叠加8折补贴,消费者能够以更具竞争力的价格入手这一超薄轻便的笔记本电脑。
The M4 MacBook Air could launch in just a few months, but Apple is retiring another MacBook Air — and not the one you think.
近日,Apple苹果MacBookAir13.6英寸笔记本电脑在京东上售价10499元。这款轻薄笔记本搭载了M3芯片,不仅性能强大,而且具有出色的环保特性。现在购买还可以享受满4000元减800元的优惠活动。新款MacBookAir依旧采用轻薄 ...
近日,新款MacBook Air在电商平台上展开了热烈的销售活动,吸引了众多消费者的目光。在京东与淘宝两大平台上,搭载了M3芯片的MacBook Air推出了特别优惠,其中16GB内存加256GB存储的版本标价8999元人民币,而内存相同但存储空间提升至512GB的版本,则售价为10499元人民币。
Table of Contents Best MacBook Air (M1) deals Best MacBook Air (M2) deals Best MacBook Pro (M2) deals Best MacBook Pro (M3) deals If you have yourself an iPhone, really enjoy the Apple ecosystem ...
Vijay Sales' Apple Days sale, which was held as part of their New Year celebration, has caused the price of the MacBook Air ...
Get unbeatable discounts on MacBook Air and Pro models during Vijay Sales' Apple Days sale—lowest prices ever in India!