"As with other airborne [illnesses], strep is highly contagious," says Louis Morledge, MD, an internist at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. In addition to throat pain, strep can ...
Strep throat is highly contagious during the incubation period — the two to five days after you're infected and before symptoms appear. It stays contagious until your symptoms resolve ...
The first thing to understand is that strep throat isn't a virus the way many other seasonal ailments are but is instead a contagious bacterial infection. It causes inflammation and discomfort by ...
More:How do you get strep throat? Watch out for these early signs of the highly contagious illness If you are experiencing recurrent cases of tonsillitis, a doctor can assess whether you may ...
While most people do not get extremely sick, the highly contagious bacterium that causes ... For example, someone who tests positive for strep throat but has no symptoms may not need antibiotics.
Doctors across Florida are treating an increasing number of patients with walking pneumonia, strep throat and the flu.
The contagious nature of bacterial or viral infections like strep throat or influenza is well understood. You’re at risk of catching the flu, for example, if someone near you has it, as the virus can ...
The first thing to understand is that strep throat isn't a virus the way many other seasonal ailments are but is instead a contagious bacterial infection. It causes inflammation and discomfort by ...
Strep throat is a common bacterial infection that causes swelling and pain in the throat, often making it hard to swallow. For those who are prone to frequent strep infections, a doctor may ...