And according to Diaz, all of the women on set had to put up with it. There were, she went on "always layers and layers of inappropriateness" that women faced on sets. Her latest film, Diaz ...
Sebastian Reuter/Getty Cameron Diaz is reflecting on how ... again,' " the Charlie's Angels actress explained. Diaz said there were "always layers and layers of inappropriateness" that she and ...
Cameron Diaz believes the ... “There were always layers and layers of inappropriateness that you just kind of had to put up with,” Diaz said in an interview on the SkipIntro podcast.
Diaz said there were "always layers and layers of inappropriateness" that she and other women had to laugh off and put up with. Related: Cameron Diaz Says Having Kids Gave Her a 'Different ...
Diaz said there were "always layers and layers of inappropriateness" that she and other women had to laugh off and put up with. Related: Cameron Diaz Says Having Kids Gave Her a 'Different Perspective ...